Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Alessandro Nivola Seven Times

I haven't read the interview yet that makes up the interview portion of Alessandro's Interview Magazine spread, but I sure have looked at the pictures by photographer David Needleman! Photo-shoots of Alessandro are too scarce, always too scarce, so I'm gobbling these up like chocolate flavored oxygen. 

Speaking of Alessandro I saw him in two projects last month at Tribeca -- one was that VR thing that I briefly mentioned, and the other was a movie called One Percent More Humidity which he was far and away the best thing about (important sidenote: he's somewhat naked in it too) he actually won the Best Actor award at the fest for the performance (his story about accidentally being there to accept is funny) and it was richly deserved. Anyway go ahead and hit the jump for the rest of the pictures...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a hottie! ...the reason Jurassic Park 3 has such an underground following.