Monday, April 10, 2017

The Arms Have It

Good job, Marvel Poster Designers -- you know what we're all going to stare at in a Thor movie well. Not that Ragnorak, which just released its first trailer, doesn't look hella stuffed with eye candy, arms or no arms. (God I love how colorful this movie is going to be, for one.) I sort of wish they didn't ruin what appear to be some amazing beats for Cate Blanchett's character, but I do understand that that introduction sells the movie on its own, so I get it. Watch!

Also I'm so glad they realized quickly what they had with Idris
and kept Heimdall around - I hope he gets to kick lots of ass!


Anonymous said...

What's not to love? Hot dudes in spandex and leather.... Blanchett getting her domintrix/Mellificent on... Jeff Goldblum adding quirkly birdiness...I'm in! With both nipples!!

Anonymous said...

Noo, not the hair!