Today I'd rather be...
... getting my back jumped on
by Alexander Skarsgard.
Alright people, who watched the first hour of Big Little Lies this weekend? I watched it last night and I am totally totally totally in the tank for it already - it's like Desperate Housewives: Oscar Edition, which I did not know was a thing I needed until this show told me it was, and then I was like HELL YES. Have any of you read the book? If you've read the book please don't spoil anything, but I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts. And in summation - they are all just jealous of Laura Dern! As they damn well should be.
It's delicious, isn't it? Hooked.
Ooooo, with that cast, I'm def in. Saw Tarzan this weekend. Meh. But GOOD GOD, Alex Skarsgard. When I lived in NYC, I once walked out of the office, saw him, and followed (skulked) behind him for 8 blocks, just staring, until I got a hold of myself!
The book sucks but will, hopefully, make for good TV. The cast is to die for and the 1st ep was fun.
I'm totally hooked!! I haven't read the book so I'm for sure intrigued as to what may happen.
Definitely hooked. The 4 main lead women were all great and all the town people are a lot of fun. Kinda wish some of the dudes were hotter (Skarsgard excepted) but I guess you can't have everything.
The book is overrated but excited for this series. I will watch ANYTHING with Laura Dern.
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