Today I'd rather be...
... working out the kinks with Armie Hammer.
The first clip from Call Me By Your Name has arrived! (Thanks to Vanity Fair for this.) And they picked a fine moment, too -- in a scene familiar to anyone who read Andre Acimen's book here's Timothee Chalamet getting publicly fondled by Armie Hammer and feeling really weird about it...
I had to watch it with the sound off for now, but sweet Jesus.
Did someone say there would be graphic sex scenes? Asking for a friend.
Armie looks so hot.
I think T.C. looks hotter.
If no one notices how paedophilic this scene looks (or the movie for that matter), then I guess we're all blindsided by something else. It's as though a thirtysomething Arnie is giving his teenage son or nephew a rub-down. I'm not complaining about the movie per se but the casting leaves much to be desired. Arnie is fine but Tim looks way too young! For the record, I read the book when it was first released, long before anyone considered it for a movie adaptation, and in my imagination then (and now), there was nothing paedophilic about it at all. After seeing stills and this clip from the movie, I can only wince. Sotry, I don't mean to spoil the fun for anyone - just expressing my discomfort.
Oh, for god's sake, Anonymous (9:14 PM). Maybe you're just ignorant of the meaning of the word, but pedophilia is "a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children." The 21-year-old actor playing a 17-year-old character is clearly not prepubescent.
Your comment manages to be both incoherent and more than a little creepy.
this look disgusting y'all are tripping. maybe if armie hammer looked remotely close to 24 (he doesn't - he looks about a decade older) and the scrawny one didn't look all of 15 this wouldn't gross me out on a visceral level but as it stands it looks like some shit made by nambla. yech.
Bill Carter, I understand the technical definition of pasdophilia. There's no need to be condescending. All I'm saying is that the scene reeks of that especially given that the look of that young actor borders on prepubescent compared to that of the older actor. If my comment were 'more than a little creepy', then I think you should rein in your Trump-like outburst and be respectful of a decent discussion. I will not comment on this anymore.
I really don't want to have this conversation every single time I post on this movie, you guys. The movie is out in like six months from now and I'm already tired of it.
Lol this movie made by a gay director based on a gay novel has ZERO male nudity but frequent female nudity. So go fuck yourself Call Me By Your Name.
Also the sight of a married straight man being paid money to rub oil on the body of a scrawny emaciated AIDSy 21 year old femme makes me wretch. Just wanted to throw that out there because Donald Trump said I don't have to be PC anymore.
"Later" ❤️
And here I thought the comments would be full of people being super happy over the new footage like I am. So when it's straights doing age gap difference stories like Lolita and American Beauty it's iconic, but when gays do it it's gross and visceral. So excited for this movie and I'm happy this blog is covering every moment of it but I guess it is wise to avoid the comments section from now on.
PS: Chickenhawk, it's not about being ''PC'', it's about being a decent human being, so eff you.
The reviews have been stellar so I'm looking forward to seeing it. I haven't read the book, but plan on doing so soon, but from what I understand one character is 17, and the the other is 21 or is it 24? But Armie H look every inch of what he is; a 30 year old man. Timothy C as a 17 year old is fine, and the age of consent in Italy is 16 from what I understand, but he does look so young, even underage. So I have to agree that Armies character being attracted to Timothy's does creep me out a bit. Maybe that's because if I had a choice I'd got for Armie any day.
"And here I thought the comments would be full of people being super happy over the new footage like I am. So when it's straights doing age gap difference stories like Lolita and American Beauty it's iconic, but when gays do it it's gross and visceral. So excited for this movie and I'm happy this blog is covering every moment of it but I guess it is wise to avoid the comments section from now on."
No, it's gross and inappropriate in Lolita and American Beauty as well. The inappropriateness is actually a plot point in both movies.
And it's not "age gap differences", it's sexual exploitation of children. Full stop.
You're being hysterical, Anonymous.
I was 17 when I met my first boyfriend. He was 24. It taught me about love, and life. That is all this is. Things are not as black and white as you're screeching. Get a fucking grip.
lol using your fucked up own life experience to try and justify ephebophilia. not cute honey. and that 24 year was a disgusting creep for preying on a teenager but im sure it taught you loads about "love, and life"
You sound like you know very little about either, anon
What a shocker. A cis white American male thinks it's okay to molest children if the adult and the child are "hot".
Try volunteering at a shelter for homeless LGBTQI young people and get back to me about how it's harmless for a 24 year-old to prey on a teenager.
Anything goes when you're an adult white male in Donald Trump's America though, I suppose.
^^^^ get a load of these dopes ^^^^
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