Thursday, January 05, 2017

Jackie 2: The John-John-ening

Now that Pablo Larraín has gone and somehow successfully made a biopic tackling one of the tougher political nuts to crack - I'd argue that making a good movie about Jackie and her enigmatic legacy is tougher than making one about her husband would be (not to mention far harder to cast so major props to Natalie for not dropping the ball!) - we turn our eyes to all we could think about in the film's later scenes as Little John-John showed up... that is to say... 

... Big John-John. I want a Junior Movie now! Or I want an excuse to post some (more) shirtless pictures of him - whichever, doesn't matter, one of the two. But I don't really know who could play him, since in his prime there was no one handsomer, ever, before or since. Any suggestions? Oh and hit the jump for another dozen or so pictures since that's what you're really here looking for...


JH said...

One of the finest looking men to ever walk this earth! There's never been anyone who has come close to JFK Jr's looks - IMO.

squeezit said...

Zachary Quinto, perhaps? There's always Ari Melber, who resembles JFKJR greatly, but he's not an actor and doesn't seem to have the right body type. This is a tough one...

squeezit said...
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Anonymous said...

It's such a breath of fresh air to see shirtless pics of an energetic JFK Jr after those of horse-face Jake which were bland and lifeless.

Forever1267 said...

There was a TV Movie made about him and Carolyn, I want to say for Lifetime, and during the love scenes, there would be these odd inserts of (a?) (the actor's) hairy chest. I'm completely blanking on the name, but the actor who played him definitely is smooth, so the gratuitous chest shots were there just for dressing.

I can't think of anyone to play him, either. Future lost POTUS, he was.