Monday, January 23, 2017

I Would Slam My Face Into a Table...

... for Ben Whishaw's love.
Wouldn't you?

That's probably an unfair way to frame now sending you over to The Film Experience for this week's Lobster-themed edition of "Beauty vs Beast" -- at least it's unfair to John C. Reilly, who really is terrific in the movie. But the heart wants what it wants, and the other body parts want what the other body parts want, and they all come up BEN WHISHAW.


Anonymous said...

Ben is adorable.

anonymous said...

i didnt even scroll to see the gif to get context (and ive seen the lobster) and the question made sense to me anyway...nodded vehemently ya yas of course. i should take a step back, but the guy is a genius, life itself.