Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jack's Savage Beauty

Jack O'Connell is going to play the designer Alexander McQueen in a bio-pic, and I just about can't believe how spot-on that casting is. It's like Alexander McQueen did everything he did in his life just so Jack O'Connell could play him. Or vice versa? Anyway it's brilliant. Even better the film is being directed by Andrew Haigh (although we already knew that much), the director of 45 Years and Weekend. Haigh being in charge means the film will definitely not shy away from McQueen's gayness, thank goodness - I hope Haigh's watching Bertrand Bonello's film Saint Laurent on a loop right now!

Did any of you manage to go to the great big McQueen show Savage Beauty that the Met held in 2011 (it also traveled to London in 2015)? I went to it early before the lines got ridiculous - by the last month of of the show the lines were winding out of the museum and down the street, I heard! It was worth all of the hype, though - the Costume Institute at the Met's been trying (and mostly failing, although I did like this year's show about technology & fashion called Manus × Machina) to recapture that show's glory ever since.


tanpoffel said...

This is the most perfect casting announcement in years -- even though O'Connell is much younger than McQueen's late 30s, which was his age when the film is set...

Jason Adams said...

Agreed -- the age thing def gave me a moment's pause too. But I don't think it will matter, ultimately. For one if McQueen reads somewhat younger I don't think it will be a problem, unless they come off as worrying about it in the making - they shouldn't worry about old age make-up or anything like that. And honestly Jack, for all his youth, reads older - he's a rough one (that's a compliment)

Row-bin said...

I worked at the Met for a while and I completely agree with you on your assessment of the show and the subsequent attempts at matching it. The only other exhibit that's come close is the Extreme Beauty one from 2001.