Monday, September 12, 2016

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... unleashing the Beast.

Why oh why is there no shot in the movie that I can remember (AND I WOULD REMEMBER) that shows off how excellent everything going on with Nicholas Hoult's costume below the waist was? This is a crime, Bryan Singer! A CRIME.

Anyway long long after I have forgotten anything of substance from X-Men Apocalypse (which shouldn't be that difficult, given its relative substance-less existence) I will remember pretty much each and every frame from this behind-the-scenes blooper reel from the forthcoming blu-ray, which shows that even if it wasn't showing up on screen everybody was having a great goofy time on this set. Oh and that Nicholas Hoult wants to unleash the beast as well...

... it would seem. But I couldn't pick a favorite moment if you held a gun (or Nicholas Hoult's dick, even) to my head - is it Nicky's bulge (it's probably that) or is it him and Tye Sheridan pawing at each other's spandexed bits and pieces...

... or is it Ben Hardy's back muscles...

... or maybe this bit...?

I saw a bunch of headlines yesterday saying that there's a deleted scene from the movie that shows Apocalypse could've been a lot more fun and I haven't watched that yet but this, this video, this is clearly what we should have been watching. Just go right ahead and give us two hours of these actors hanging out in their costumes gaily goofing off next time, please.
In summation...

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