Friday, September 23, 2016

Good Morning, Et Cetera...

Last night as I tried and failed to drift off to sleep I skimmed through Instagram, nervous that there might've been some good stuff (you know the good stuff about which I speak) that I might've missed over my holiday, and I ended up down the rabbit hole of dudes, so let's play some catch-up. After the jump I'll share some pictures, new and not, of Harry Shum Jr., Eric Balfour, Russell Tovey, Austin Nichols, and good ol' boy slash perennial flasher George Stults...

First up we'll go with Austin Nichols, whose pictures mostly come today via his girlfriend Chloe "Agents of SHIELD" Bennett's Instagram page; come on Austin! Use your own Instagram better; ask Chloe how to do it. She clearly gets it. (You can say that again.)

Someone in the comments on that last picture accused him of "playing with his flesh ferret" in it and I have to say that was my first thought too. Not specifically using the words "flesh ferret" though because who the hell uses the words "flesh ferret" anyway? Anyway up next is some more Harry Shum Jr...

I know the answer is "because he's Asian and we don't hire Asian men for leads" but Harry Shum Jr. should really be getting better roles, man. Next up, let's go with George Stults and his forever moon...

Only a brief update on him because I am always posting his butt pics on the Tumblr and we're kind of caught up with that. Next! I hadn't checked in on Eric Balfour in quite awhile, poor dear, let's see what he's been up to...

Surfing? Check. Yoga? Check. Naked? Check. Good to know some things never change. And finally, a couple of Russell Tovey shots...

Russell Tovey likes looking at naked butts too!
He's "Just Like Us."

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