Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Hit Me Edgar Baby, One More Time

Hey guys, remember me? Aww that look on Edgar Ramirez' face is so adorably expectant, but I don't think that Hands of Stone is quite going to meet those expectations. The strange red-band trailer that they released this past week, full of sex and nudity, was a surprising bid for an audience though! So much Usher butt...
But (speaking of... butts) maybe even better than that trailer is the behind-the-scenes "Training Featurette" that they've released - I wasn't planning on capping it but as it wore on and Edgar got bouncier and sweatier and his, you know, support...

... got looser and less restrictive, well, I couldn't help myself, I had to cap the whole damn thing. Besides all the bouncing my favorite bit has got to be the person who keeps shoving a water bottle in Edgar's face with the deranged look of pure erotic passion...

I know that look. That is my look. 
Anyway go ahead and hit the jump for the video 
and over thirty gifs, my fellow maniacs...


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