Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Rami Malek One Time

Mr. Robot is back tonight! Anybody excited? They leaked the first half of tonight's two-hour premiere online earlier this week and I watched it last night -- I think Mr. Robot is a good show, not a great show; it's been slightly over-hyped but that's not its fault, or it hasn't been up to this point at least. Now it's got the hype to live up to though, now that it knows how many eyes are on it, and I do hope it soars. It has the pieces! It just has to start fitting them together a little better... 

... and maybe stop leaning so hard on Fight Club? The premiere adds a brand new Fight Club reference on top of the twenty-five thousand that have already been there and it's a bit much at this point. Anyway, fly show fly! I want you to fly!

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