That gif perfectly expresses the way I felt last week when I realized that I'd let the 25th anniversary of one of my Top 5 Favorite Comedies Of Ever come and go with nary a peep. In the name of Montana Moorehead what had I done???
Soapdish was released on May 31st 1991, and immediately went onto full-life repeat at my house. I've seen it dozens and dozens of time. But you probably already know this if you've been around MNPP for any length of time - it's one of the very few movies to have its own tag here at the blog. Click here to see our previous posts on it.
So anyway when I realized my grave error I vowed on Twitter to fix it with this week's edition of "Beauty vs Beast" and so I did. Head over to The Film Experience to give your own personal Daytime Emmy to one of the two formidable comic talents seen here.
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