We've already done one semi-spoilery post for last night's Game of Thrones season-finale without any warning, so now, a warning - I am talking about last night's season finale of A Game of Thrones, so avert ye eyes if you don't wanna know. Anyway...
... you should've heard the whooping sounds I made once I realized where Sam's scene at the Citadel was going - if you've seen one great big library reveal a la Beauty and the Beast then you've seen them all, but if you're as hooked on the feeling as me then you ain't...
... never ever gonna be tired of these moments right before the stacks explode in front of us. I love how Sam slides that one askew book back into place - make no mistake: this scene is as big a triumph for his character as any battle won on this show. Those of us who get off on libraries got that loud and clear. Hit the jump for all the fantasy bookshelf porn you can handle...
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