Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Good Morning, World

Have you guys been watching Preacher? I have been watching Preacher and I'm not 100% sold on Preacher yet. There are things that I like very much - Joseph Gilgun as Cassidy is a ton o' fun, Dominic Cooper's doing a fine job and his outfit couldn't be any more slimming, and somebody shooting that series is in-fucking-fatuated with Derek Wilson, seen here, because his shirts are all three sizes too tight and he's the only one getting routinely exploited. I took immediate notice...

But the tone veers so incoherently around at times that the characters are coming off more than a bit cartoony - I mean I don't know from scene to scene what to think about Ruth Negga's character, and she doesn't seem to have a grip on gathering together all the insane pieces of Tulip into anything near consistency. And I very nearly have to leave the room whenever Eugene comes on, slurping and slurring through that facial prosthetic. (I have longstanding issues with mouth trauma though - it's one of the few things that still can push me over the edge.) Anyway y'all tell me your thoughts in the comments and in return after the jump a few more shots of Derek Wilson shirtless, okay? Okay...


Mark Alexander said...

I want to give all three of the male leads a tongue bath. At the same time, if they're into that.

Sherri P. said...

I would give Dominic Coooer a tongue math, happily, if he would just hold still for it, and he has the Texas accent down perfect, but I'm finding the same issues with tone. Still, interesting enough to stick with for the first season. What show is great right off the blocks? Except the pilot for THIS show, which set the bar very very high.

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble staying with two shows that premiered recently. Preacher is one of them and the other is Outcast. Neither are making me rush back for the next episode despite the fact that I am in good creative hands. Will stay with both for a little longer. Outcast is especially disappointing.