Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Good Morning, World

My second thought watching this scene from the pilot episode of Preacher was to wonder if the Back to the Future echoes were on purpose -- you know, the scene where Marty wakes up after falling out of the tree in his mother's bedroom in just his underwear? Well just a quick google shows that that girl greeting Dominic Cooper in his underwear is dressed pretty similarly to Marty's Mom...

... so I don't think I'm nuts. Anyway my first thought watching this scene from the pilot episode of Preacher was, of course, FINALLY DOMINIC COOPER IN HIS UNDERWEAR. It took them 3/4s of the episode - I didn't think we'd get anything and I was getting worked up and not in the correct way. Thankfully...

... they came through. Anyway what did you guys think of the first episode? I am digging it, although it could barely keep itself from flying off the rails in the first ninety minutes so I hope it can control its nuttiness to a degree where it makes some sense. But I am onboard. Y'all hit the jump for a couple more if you want 'em...

I do love that they introduce him with his name 
branded across his ass though. That's my boy!


Adam said...

This really got my hopes up that he'd be wearing purple briefs.

Sherri P. said...

I loved the pilot but thought Dominic Cooper was tragically overdressed for basically all of it.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious comment about his name being on his ass, I laughed out loud

He knows his money-maker