I don't know why Twitter is a'flutter with wishes of a Happy 50th Anniversary to Star Trek today since the show's 50th anniversary isn't until September 8th (I think maybe IMDb started it?) but Borg knows it'll be a big deal all year, so we might as well run with it (aka I had already gathered up these pictures by the time I figured out the anniversary isn't actually today). And we did just get that teaser for Bryan Fuller's Star Trek show earlier this week!
Anyway with all due apologies to Chris Pine...
... (who doesn't need our apologies, clearly he is doing fine) we figure a Trek-themed edition of "Do Dump or Marry" is pretty overdue. So we're going with the three Enterprise Captains (cue people who know Star trek way way better than I do explaining to me that there are other Enterprise captains or one of them isn't a "Captain" or something) -- James T. Kirk (William Shatner) from the original series and Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) from The Next Generation and Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) from Enterprise.
Give us your answers in the comments!
Marry Picard, keep Archer as my bit on the side, dump dump dump Kirk.
I'm with Sparky, marry Picard, have my fun with Archer, and dump Kirk.
Do Picard, Dump Kirk (but only the Shatner version of him), Marry Archer.
I've never felt that do/dump/marry was fair b/c you get to "do" the person that you're married to too...
That being said though, I would dump Kirk & Picard, do Archer and then marry Cmdr. Riker!!!! It's my fantasy so I get to have whomever I want.
Picard. Picard. Airlock the rest.
Do Picard.
Dump Kirk.
Marry Archer!
Marry Archer but only because you left out the very first Captain, Captain Pike played by the almost perfect Jeffery Hunter! Actually Hunter and Bakula are very similar physically.
Do 1st season Kirk. Dump Picard.
I would have to agree with sparky2379. Given the options, you can't exactly get picky here.
I think Kirk and Archer were both handsome during their service aboard their respective Enterprises but Kirk really let himself go after becoming an Admiral.
So I'd do Kirk, marry Archer and dump Picard, who was a brilliant captain but not my cup of Earl Grey!
Dump Picard right off the bat. I do Kirk but I'd feel kind of nasty when I did it but that's ok. Then I'd marry Archer and get nasty with him every day!
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