Friday, April 08, 2016

Good Morning, John Gavin

A very happy 85th birthday to the actor John Gavin of Psycho (see his shirtless scene in that film here) and Spartacus fame - yup, Gavin is still alive, somewhere out there, although he hasn't acted since he did an episode of Fantasy Island (what else) in 1981. We have posted pictures from this infamously queer scene in Spartacus before but never the video, so let's share that today in his honor.
You should read the last couple of paragraphs in his bio on IMDb about his post-acting career - this will sound counter-intuitive since I just since you should read it, but it's astonishingly boring! He went into some boring business stuff in the 80s and has apparently been quite successful at it. He always seemed the type. The boring pretty Mad Men type, I mean. But god, so so very pretty. Go on 'n get you some immoral snails, Larry Olivier.


SeangSTM said...

...and he was actually signed, sealed and delivered to take over as James Bond in 1971's "Diamonds Are Forever." That is until Sean Connery's salary demands were met and the producers had to buy out Gavin's contract. I'm sure he got a nice payday for absolutely no he should. :)

Anonymous said...

John Gavin was one beautiful, gorgeous man and one terrible, wooden actor.