Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... getting two hands full of Hiddles.

Sorry for the presumable spoilers for a series that's not airing here in the US yet, but I could hardly ignore this moment from the BBC series The Night Manager (which will start airing here in the US in just a few weeks) to sit there out in the world unremarked upon, now could I?

Hiddleston's the main draw of this scene, of course, but the molester to his molestee, Tom Hollander, is a favorite of mine too, ever since he slinked around with peroxided menace in Hanna a few years back (second Hanna reference of the day, people). We love him!

And we love him with a fistful of Hiddles even better.

In other Hiddleston news there's yet another trailer for High-Rise out, but before you sigh and say no more do place your eyeballs upon the above image, which comes alongside it, and sigh no more. Well not an irritable sigh, anyway. A sexually satisfied sigh, sure. You can watch that trailer over here but I went ahead and giffed all the important sexy parts, and you can see those along with some randomness (mostly half-naked Tom in High-Rise & Manager, but I do love this shot of Luke Evans) after the jump...


Glenn said...

Lucky Tom Hollander!

Anonymous said...

You also forget the glimpse of Tom Hiddleston's ass that is also shown later in the same episode

Anonymous said...

So can someone explain what is happening? Why does that lucky dude get to feel up Tom's crotch?