--- The Hole In Holcroft - I don't know if there will even be a second season of London Spy,
much less whether there's any way in which they could get Edward Holcroft onto it if there was (I suppose there could be flashbacks) so
for now I'm latching onto the news that his character will return in the next Kingsman
movie (thanks Mac) as my happy place. I need Pretty Eddie in everything
already dammit! And with much more ass-grabbing please. It can be Taron
Egerton grabbing his ass -- I am totally fine with that.
--- Them Winter Winds - I'm one of the dorky book-loving lameoids who's been trying to come to a decision on whether I'll be watching the 6th season of A Game of Thrones in live-time or not, since I was afraid they'd be spoiling things, but I kind of figured it'd be impossible to avoid the big shockers of the season since the noise off the show is so loud and I'd probably end up crumbling anyway, so I am happy to hear the show-runners say that the two versions of the story, theirs and GRRM's, have diverged enough that it's not really going to be a problem. Do I one hundred percent believe them? Hell no. But I'm going to grab onto it and convince myself I do for now, at least.
--- Civil Savants -
Per usual Guillermo Del Toro has spent a ton of time talking up a ton
of great big projects only to wander off to something weird we didn't
even know he was up to... but man does it sound promising!
And fast coming, at that! I don't think it has a title yet but his new
movie's described thus: "a mysterious and magical journey set against
the backdrop of Cold
War-era America circa 1963 with an otherworldly love story at the center
of it." That's all well and good but listen to the actors he's lined up
to star -- Michael Stuhlbarg, Octavia Spencer, and Sally Hawkins! Wowza! We have loved Stuhlbarg with all our heart ever since he starred in the Coens' best recent film A Serious Man.
--- Put It Anywhere - I can't believe Nathaniel had never seen Cruel Intentions before! Over at The Film Experience Nat took the movie on, and of course since he's got no nostalgic pull for it he saw it for the piece of crap it is, which it totally is. I love it too, you guys, but it is a garbage movie. Anyway I find this conversation funny because my boyfriend just re-watched the movie earlier this week, unconnected to this happening at TFE, and we were having this conversation two days ago. The movie has not aged well, not at all, but the fun stuff in it (SMG and Ryan Phillippe's butt, probably not in that order) remain fun, and I could quote the movie til the cows come home.
--- The Mad Ginger - Three more actors have been cast in Bryan Fuller's forthcoming adaptation of Neil Gaiman's book American Gods -- I don't know two of them but I do know and you do know Sean Harris, who got cast as Mad Sweeney, an Irish God (aka a leprechaun); Harris is the dude whose death in Ridley Scott's Prometheus
(his plastic helmet got melted onto his face, suffocating him) gave me a
full scale panic attack. Besides that he's been one of Those Guys
lately, in absolutely everything. (We last saw him in Macbeth, opposite Fassy.)
--- Making Mud - Carey Mulligan and Garrett Hedlund and Jason Clarke (plus Jason Mitchell from Straight Outta Compton but I never saw Straight Outta Compton so I don't know him but supposedly he's good) are teaming up with Pariah director Dee Rees to adapt the book Mudbound
into a movie; it's about a Mississippian married lady who gets caught
up in romance with two soldiers returning from WWII, one white and one
black. Anyway Mulligan & Clarke & Hedlund hells yeah. Anyone
read the book? I loved watching Carey torn between beautiful men in Far From the Madding Crowd; she needs to keep with that, she is good at it.
--- Worst Actor Alive - I totally don't believe Henry Cavill's story about getting locked out of his hotel room in LA while drunk and naked and peeing off of a rooftop that he told on a talk show this week so I'm not giving him the time (whoops too late), so in "cute guys telling silly stories on talk shows" news I give the edge to Jake Gyllenhaal, who told a story about Peter Jackson calling him the worst actor he'd ever seen when he auditioned for the role of Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Jake's such a try-hard I could totally see him bombing like this.
--- And Speaking of Frodo, Elijah Wood just got a new role! He's going to play the "holistic" detective Dirk Gently in a BBC miniseries of that name, based on an apparently well-regarded series of books by Douglas Adams, author of the definitely well-regarded series of books The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Strangely (I love Hitchhiker) I don't know the books -- do any of you? Anyway the series was written by Max Landis, who did pretty well with the movie Chronicle, and fairly poor with the movie Victor Frankenstien, so who knows where this will fall.
Re: Elijah wood and the Dirk Gently news. I sort of know the books. I read the first half of his unfinished Dirk Gently book before his passing and it was just off kilter enough to be interesting. But, and this might be Hitchhiker's Movie adaptation shading things a bit, I had Martin Freeman in the roll of Dirk Gently. But Elijah sounds like interesting casting. He could either really pull it off or get too lost into it, which is the problem I had with him in both Cooties and Everything is Illuminated. I love him dearly but sometimes there's too much Elijah in an Elijah wood project for me to get involved in it. I need more of the him in Sin City and less of Him him in projects for me to get on board.
Well horse-face Jake is certainly not right for Frodo:)
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