Happy St. Patrick's Day! I received several emails and tweets back in December from a completely different person asking me to do a post on Aidan Turner's towel-clad display in the BBC miniseries of Agatha Christie And Then There Were None, and somehow I never got around to it (probably the holidays), and when suddenly it began happening again this week (the emails, the tweets) I had to look it up - I guess they aired the miniseries on Lifetime this past week? Anyway okay okay, I will do my duty! I understand why you want it, I totally do, for god's sake look at him. So hit the jump for the rest...
It's Kili! Still sexy as ever.
Top o' the morning indeed... yum.
He's terrific in Poldark, too!
Bless you. Luck of the Irish, indeed.
To me, he will always be Mitchell, the sexy vampire from Being Human.
Very nice but honestly, who wears a towel that low?
You wear a towel that low when you gave the body and fur!
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