Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Good Morning, Jai

I'm too groggy this morning (damned Daylight Savings Time) to do this properly but it's Jai Courtney's 30th birthday today and we can hardly allow that to go unremarked upon, so I'm just gonna post this video from behind-the-scenes of Spartacus that MNPP commenter [joe] coincidentally alerted us to the other day -- it is chockful of Jai goodness (not to mention the seventeen thousand other hot dudes that set was swarming with in barely any clothes) that I'd never seen before, so perhaps it will be new to you too.

Later if I feel like it I might gif the video some more, so check back, you know, later. And of course you can always ramble on back through our Jai Courtney posts, because they are plentiful, and he is gorgeous and charming, and good grief do we really hope he starts making some decent movies soon.

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