Ebon Moss-Bachrach plays such a convincing douchebro on Girls - he's Marnie's new musician-husband - that it's been very difficult, for me, to come to terms with the hotness buried under that thick layer of douche. But they've spent the last season and a half whittling away at my moral outrage with shirtless scene after shirtless scene, and then this week, they flung a full-frontal...
... (literally!) assault on my final vestiges of decency. Fine, Ebon Moss-Bachrach. Fine! You win! Here's your goddamned post. Hit the jump for several dozen pictures (with some bonus Andrew Rannells... and Allison Williams? Dammit Marnie)...
Ebon Moss-Bachrach plays such a convincing douchebro on Girls - he's Marnie's new musician-husband - that it's been very difficult, for me, to come to terms with the hotness buried under that thick layer of douche. But they've spent the last season and a half whittling away at my moral outrage with shirtless scene after shirtless scene, and then this week, they flung a full-frontal...
... (literally!) assault on my final vestiges of decency. Fine, Ebon Moss-Bachrach. Fine! You win! Here's your goddamned post. Hit the jump for several dozen pictures (with some bonus Andrew Rannells... and Allison Williams? Dammit Marnie)...
Am sorre
He is beautiful beyond words
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