Chalk me up as excited for Tom Hardy's new TV show! The Sun published these photos AND VIDEO of Tom stripping naked on camera in front of the Taboo crew, jumping in a lake, and strutting himself through the water and up and out across a field. They blur out the front bits (boo Sun boo) but there's plenty to see all the same! Watch:
Those tattoos are hideous.
Those tattoos aren't his tattoos; it's for Taboo... He looks good!
His are hideous too. Another pretty boy working overtime to look ugly.
He looks feral with the tribal tattoos. I love it. Great ass, great body.
I don't care what they say, if he's difficult to work with, they're not on their knees for him enough. I can fix that.
Don't get too excited Jason, this is a tactic they pull nowadays to generate buzz for a film before it's release and then when the actual film or in this case TV show gets released the "leaked" nudity is mysteriously absent. Also Tom Hardy is an ugly homophobe with a middle-aged body and a micro dick, so who cares if he's naked in any case?
Sergeant Slaughter seems angry. I certainly don't think he's ugly in the least. "Homophobe"? He may have backtracked on what he said about his experiences but I'd hardly call him a homophobe for it. And finally, the dick thing. For one, have you ever seen him hard? You realize that dicks get bigger, right? And beyond that, only guys with big dicks can be attractive?
Sergeant Slaughter you must have inferiority complex, Tom Hardy is beautiful man, that the opinion of millions of people....And he is not homophobe.
tom hardy needs to be the next james bond.
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