Monday, January 18, 2016

Today's Fanboy Delusion

Today I'd rather be...

... keeping Cary moist.

That shot is from the set of the 1943 film Destination Tokyo, in which Cary plays the captain of a submarine that sneaks into enemy waters - I haven't seen the movie but it apparently gets pretty hot and sweaty down there! And...

... I doubt that Cary minded, what with John Garfield & Friends keeping him company. Anyway today is the 111th anniversary of Cary's birth, so if you want to stare at a few more pictures to celebrate all that hit the jump and there you will find about fifteen more that I've never posted before...


Anonymous said...

It's actually from 1943 not 1953.

Jason Adams said...

whoops, typo, fixed it -- thanks Anon

joel65913 said...

Cary-YUM...John Garfield-Double Yum! The movie's not great but not bad either.