Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Party Like It's Michael Haneke

I have a ton of news stories to catch up on but my brain's turned into a solid block of ice the past two days thanks to a broken boiler and an arctic blast of air over New York City, so I'm taking it slow, my apologies. The most important news that broke over the holidays though, that I will snap my frozen fingers into typing formation for -- Michael Haneke's next film was announced! And he's re-teaming with Isabelle Huppert and Jean-Louis Trintignant! It will be called Happy End and... yeah I'm sure it'll just be a great big bowl of happy, aren't you? Details are scarce but it's set in France and it's somehow set against the migrant crisis. Sounding happier by the minute! Haneke's films have been "about" France's migration issues for years though -- it's front and center in Cache, for example -- so how he uses the situation, that'll be the interesting part.

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