Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good Morning, World

Today would have been the 91st birthday of the most beautiful male movie star of all time, Mr. Paul Newman. He's only been gone for eight years, can you believe it? We were fortunate to have him for as long as we did. Over the years I've posted more pictures of him than I could ever keep track of both here on the blog and then some more over on the Tumblr but if you hit the jump I have some more, because of course I do, there will never be enough...


pony said...

"...the most beautiful male movie star of all time" give or take Alain Delon ;)
Love the new banner!

Jason Adams said...

Yeah that's a real Sophie's Choice, and I could go either way, pony. But Newman's kindness would probably win the day - Delon's beauty, while clearly stratospheric, has a cruelty to it that is intimidating. I wouldn't feel right staring at Alain for very long in person, but they'd have to use a crow-bar to get me to stop staring at Paul Newman.

creamycamper said...

Such a gorgeous man!