Thursday, January 21, 2016

Fassy Gets A Snow Job

Filming has begun on The Snowman, Michael Fassbender's next film which is being directed by Tomas Alfredson, aka the genius that gave us Let the Right One In. The film's being shot in Oslo, Norway -- I actually knew this before these paparazzi pics showed up (via) because MNPP reader Mads (Hi Mads!) sent me a note saying he's working on the film and he saw Fassy there in person! Lucky bastard! Anyway this is where I remind you that this film is based on a famous series of detective novels in which the leading detective is named Harry Hole. We had a whole (excuse me HOLE) lot of fun with that when we first read about it. Because we are super duper mature.


Mads said...

Hi! You're welcome and/or I'm sorry! He looks rough, but that's the character, and so clothed. Too bad Norway's not a land of sun and beaches, eh? (I'm surprised he's not freezing his ears off, it's 14 degrees here at the moment…)

Salivatin Sam said...

Michael Fassbender's hairy hole?! Thanks Jason, now my mouth won't stop watering.