Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Drop Down & Gimme Ten, Jarhead

Surprised that I missed this one -- last week marked the 10th anniversary of Sam Mendes' "Jake Gyllenhaal in the military" fantasia Jarhead. It came out on November 4th, 2005 - for fun I went back and tried to skim through what I blogged about that week and found this post; beware I was relatively new to this blogging thing at that point and I sound like a total dope... you know, as opposed to the cultivated gentleman blogging before you today, ahem. But if nothing else, it has Sexy Jake Pictures and that's what matters. Anyway we just recently did a post on this film not even realizing its anniversary was imminent when the real-world-dude Jake was playing had a birthday... and that post also has Sexy Jake Pictures. Just so you know where we stand. Has anybody actually watched this movie recently? I haven't tried in a long long time, I should give her another spin. Until then - answer my query!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw it for the first time a year or so ago. Jake was mostly good except for when he had to melodramatically pound on his dead friend's coffin (I'll blame the director for that moment). Plus some absolutely gorgeous cinematography (there's a scene of the desert at night lit up by fires that is haunting) and a young John Krasinski!