Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Which is Hotter?

James Franco's always got so many kettles coming home to roost or however the saying goes that there are movies in theaters before anybody even notices - yesterday I saw him tweet about his movie version of Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury being in theaters this weekend even though I had no idea it was a thing! And now he's already posting pictures from the set of his next flick, which I'd literally just heard about earlier this week - he's making a movie called King Cobra about a gay porn star that murdered a gay porn producer; it will star Disney prince Garett Clayton as the killer twink in question, as well as... Christian Slater and Molly Ringwald? What a world we live in. Anyway King Cobra doesn't even seem to have an IMDb page yet but that didn't stop James from posting a picture of himself and another actor from the film, Keegan Allen, on its set today, and it begs us to ask y'all...




Pierce said...

James Franco is so five years ago...

Roark said...

Keegan's body, Franco's face.

FoxVerde said...

awwww the darn poll is not working here on my end it says "connection reset" i vote for james.

Anonymous said...

Keegan's crotch. Huge.

Marc said...

Keegan is the killer twink. Garrett Clayton is the object of desire.

Marc said...

Keegan is the killer twink. Garrett Clayton is the object of desire.

Anonymous said...

Where's the third button that says, "Who cares?"?