Thursday, October 22, 2015

Great Moments In Movie Shelves #25

Well this is an unexpected treat! Today is human delight Spike Jonze's 46th birthday (how can someone still look so exuberantly adorable at that age?) and so I figured I'd do a library scene from one of his films to celebrate... but which one? Well I googled "Spike Jonze Library" and the first thing that came up was a 2012 stop-motion music video Spike made for Leonard Cohen's song "To Die By Your Side" which I had never even heard of, much less seen.

And amazingly the entire thing is a riff on a previous entry in this very series, the 1938 Merry Melodies cartoon "Have You Got Any Castles?" in which the covers of a bunch of library books come to life. And it's magical, just like everything Spike touches is magical. Watch it here:

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