Monday, August 17, 2015

Who Wore It Best?

Today is the 25th anniversary of the release of David Lynch's Wild at Heart, which is one of my favorites Lynchs (of course I love all the Lynchs so that's not saying much specific). What can I say -- my love for Lynch represents a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom. Anyway seeing as how it's hotter than Georgia asphalt outside today, this is a good anniversary...

...a good hot movie to have on our minds! I just re-watched this movie a few months ago and it's grown on me with time -- I used to feel mixed towards it but I'm pretty sure now it's flat-out genius. The devil black mood of palpable hysteria dripping off this thing, like tar coating our lungs so thick we can't scream. It's fab.

Anyway the real question I have for y'all is inspired by not just this anniversary but also how great Hannibal has rocking the Red Dragon story-line over the past couple of weeks...


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