Monday, August 03, 2015

Gratuitous Hideaki Itô

Japanese actor Hideaki Itô became one of our faves last year when he played the high school teacher psycho leading man in Takashi Miike's film Lesson of the Evil (see our review here) - we'd seen him in a few things previously, like Miike's own movie Sukiyaki Western Django, but Evil really lets him (and his bare ass) shine. 

When I saw it is his 45th birthday today I realized with some detective work that I've posted less on him than I thought I had - there are a couple of pictures in this post and there are a couple pictures on Tumblr, but he deserves more love. Much more! 

So hit the jump and more, 
much more, you will find.

1 comment:

ChipotleGhoul said...

He’s gorgeous! This girl definitely likey!