Monday, May 04, 2015

Wrap Idris Elba Around Your Waist

I would've just thought Idris Elba was fulfilling his role as "Idris Elba, Professional Stud" when I read that he was flying a jet at the Coventry Air Show in England over this past weekend, and not thought any more about it than that. But Dicovery Channel got all weird and cryptic about it...

... and now they'e got me imagining all kids of scenarios. Of course most of them involve an airborne celebrity version of that Naked and Afraid show, but still.

In other Idris news (and this is kind of spoilery for Age of Ultron) in The Playlist's run-down of all the extra and alternate stuff that Joss Whedon shot for the film we learned  that Idris's character Heimdall shows up in Thor's dream sequence because of contract issues with getting Tom Hiddleston to reprise Loki an extra time. Well I'd just like to say that I was so excited when Idris showed up, and I might have actually screamed "KISS" at the screen as he and Chris Hemsworth tussled. So I was just fine with no Loki, personally.

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