Monday, May 04, 2015

The Roids You're Looking For

Since you're already on the internet at this point you've probably already been bombarded with "May the Fourth be with you" references by now, so I apologize - you maybe thought this was a safe space, and I let you down. What can I say - I actually really like the teaser trailer for JJ Abrams Star Wars movie (I saw it on an IMAX screen over the weekend and it really fucking wows that way) and so I'm finding myself feeling the Force for a moment. In that spirit, I give you this week's edition of "Beauty vs Beast" over at TFE, facing off the men-folk of the Skywalker family. And in related news...

... have you seen the new character pictures in Vanity Fair yet? Besides that first look at Adam Driver and the below shot of Oscar Isaac straining the right places of his orange jumpsuit (I wish we could see his chunky bum though) there are also shots of Lupita Nyong'o and more at that first link. Geek off.

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