Monday, May 18, 2015

Good Morning, Branson

A happy 34th birthday to Downton Abbey's sex-chauffeur Branson, aka the actor Allen Leech, today. Somebody who still watches that show (I didn't quit because they raped the maid but that just so happened to be the last episode I watched) tell me what's up with Branson. Has he found himself a lady-love? Or have he and Thomas consummated the the imaginary affair I've tirelessly built for the two of them? See more of Allen here and here and here.


Simon said...

He left for America with his daughter. Fortunately not with that annoying Commi school teacher. Not sure if she was introduced to you yet but she was the worse. Hopefully he will bring that fine ass back for the final season

Paul Brownsey said...

Nothing wrong with being a Commie schoolteacher. She wasn't annoying at all. Had the right idea.

Simon said...

Don't get me wrong nothing wrong with left slanted politics. We are practically socialists here in Canada. But yes that teacher was annoying as hell.