Friday, April 03, 2015

Sleeping With Scott Eastwood

I had a dream about Scott Eastwood last night (sidenote: that was actually the full line in the first draft of Martin Luther King's famous speech; Coretta suggested he edit out the second half of the sentence) and it wasn't the kind of dream you're thinking - no hanky-panky! It was actually (and if this doesn't tell you I blog too much nothing will) a dream about how I had to make a post about Scott Eastwood asking y'all what you think of him. He comes off as 100% disingenuous douche to me, plus he seems like an especially egregious example of nepotism, although it could be that I just can't stand his father that makes it lean that way.

But I think I can narrow down the dream specifically to two bits of reading I did before going to sleep last night though. The first one was an interview with Scott in Out magazine that's just baldly shameless gay-baiting. Oh I don't mind being gay-baited, but you have to earn that a little bit; you can't just come out swinging with it and not expect me to side-eye you. So apparently he shows his ass in his upcoming rodeo movie...

"The butt thing - to me, this was a really classy story and a really classy movie, so I didn't care about showing a little butt in there.”

Anybody who uses the word "classy" in a non-ironic way is a moron. Apologies to you if you use classy in a non-ironic way - you need to stop it, though. That word is done. If he'd worked in a pun involving "classy" and "assy" I'd have maybe fallen a little bit in love with him, but that's not what's happening. Gong!

The second thing I read last night was about the most recent social-media freak-out from Tom Hanks' unbearable beast of a son "Chet Haze" -- this time aimed at Howard Stern for some probable douchebaggery of the usual Howard-Sternian-sort. Anyway I have nothing say about "Chet Haze" (except maybe a little prayer for Tom & Rita, poor dears) but my point is these news-items stewed up my strange anti-nepotism Scott Eastwood dream, and here we are. Scott Eastwood. Yay or nay? Is it too early to tell? Should we wait to see his ass before we decide? It is usually safer to err on the side of ass.


DuchessKitty said...

I find him so beautiful. Seriously. He got all the best parts from his parents. BUT. You're right, in that he seems like such a conceited asshole in real life that I'd probably want to gut-punch him if I saw him on the street.

Anonymous said...

He's a little too vanilla for me. Definitely pretty - but not my personal taste.

Anonymous said...

He's hot but I wouldn't be surprised if he is a douchebag.

Anonymous said...

Yep, mega-hot by my estimation but seemingly quite douchey. I'd have to find ways to keep him quiet ;o)

Jonathan said...

He's just so good looking. I'd go see his cowboy movie, just to stare at him, but the lead girl seems so bland. At least in the previews that I've seen. Same goes for Tomorrowland.

dk468 said...

just say no to this spawn of the crazed chair talking Repuglicunt. Daddy Beastwood(en)'s latest vile flick has been inspiring flag waving bigots to kill Arabs everywhere, including that poor Iraqui refuge who was admiring and looking at his first ever snow outside his hime on the east coast. Blood is on this evil Lalaland dynasty.

joel65913 said...

I've never seen him in anything so I can't judge him there and I wouldn't be surprised if he were an entitled little asshole but he certainly is beautiful to look at.

Glenn said...

He is almost impossibly good looking, but seems like a guy completely unaware of his privilege (both within the industry and in general) and how much like a complete douche he comes off as when all he does is talk about how great it is being rich and posting instagrams of his wonderful life travelling the world and getting paid to do nothing.