Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Red Dead Bum

It's a shame that the character of Deadpool doesn't have a name that allows me to come up with as good a nickname for ogling him as Spider-Man did - Never Forget The Ultimate Spider-Bum! What am I supposed to call that - Dead-Bum? That's positively necrophiliac.

Anyway Ryan Reynolds (or maybe one of his stunt-doubles, but as with Andrew Garfield we prefer wiping them out of mind in these instances) was pictured in his Deadpool costume on the set of his new superhero movie this week (via) and while this costume's leaves more to the imagination than the webslingers did, we've still got to give props to Ryan & Co for realizing the folly of their cg-suited ways on green Lantern. That wasn't good for anybody. Oh, and...

... there's how Ryan is looking these days, under the costume (via). I only know a little bit about Deadpool but I know he's supposed to be covered in horrible scars so I doubt this is what Ryan will actually look like in the movie, unless... does the character have a pre-scarring origin story? I really don't feel like looking the back-story up right now, my current ignorance is sitting just fine with me, but if anybody wants to share information in the comments go to town. And the rest of us will hit the jump to stare at some more pictures of Deadpool-bum!

1 comment:

amola-tesouras said...

Yeah, they're going with the scarred look:
