Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Good Morning, Soda Pop

It's Francis Ford Coppola's 76th birthday today, and what better way to celebrate than by posting a few gifs from his 1986 homosexual epic The Outsiders? We'll focus in on Rob Lowe and that shower scene because of course we will focus in on Rob Lowe and that shower scene. 

What's your favorite Coppola movie? If I'd asked for "Best" the only correct answers are either "The Godfather" or "The Conversation" (either is acceptable) but I asked for Favorite so the clear winner is "Bram Stoker's Dracula." Anyway hit the jump for more Soda Pop...


Adam said...

Ooh la la. Love Rob Lowe. But my heart was set on Matt Dillon in his tighty whities.

joel65913 said...

Peggy Sue Got Married is the one I love best but I just saw The Rain People and it was quite interesting.

QueSindrome said...

Is it wrong to say that I find 80's Coppola way more interesting than say, Godfather, Conversation or Apocalypse Now Francis? Ok, maybe The Conversation is his best film (just because you know, it's a fricking good film) but I have a soft spot for One from the heart. Yes, it's flawed. But he tried to do something difficult, to make a Cassavettes film in a neon fueled, very artificial technicolor music world, and chances are he would fail doing it. But damm, he tried and did it anyway, and on it's good parts it's fascinating. Plus, I find Frederic Forrest really hot (yes, I have issues), and the Tom Waits songs rule.

Peggy Sue said...

Peggy Sue!!!

Anonymous said...

Stay gold Ponyboy! I'm surprised I've never seen anything on the internet about The Outsiders (the book) as a formative gay teen experience. All that stuff about how good-looking they are, and Darry's muscles, and their beautiful long hair (LOL). It certainly made an impression on 12-year-old me.

I re-read the book recently and it's pretty great, even without the hotness factor.

Mattia Nuzzo said...

Um, Stoker's Dracula all the way. Such a gorgeous film with the beautiful pre-CGI special effects and camerawork. Speaking of which, do you all remember that incredible teaser trailer? https://youtu.be/T3cAEYrY5SM