Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Clear For Beghe

After watching the tremendously disturbing Scientology documentary Going Clear last night I considered... well I considered a lot of things, like for one boycotting Tom Cruise altogether from now on (which is hard because goddamit I think he's a really good movie star), or for another indulging my just-beneath-the-surface Inner Angry Atheist and going on an anti-all-religions rant... but most seriously what I considered doing was just re-posting my "Good Morning, Gratuitous Jason Beghe" post from 2012, because he is Going Clear's delightfully profane secret weapon and it was good to see him again. Instead I'll just link to it, and use the opportunity to ask y'all if you watched the doc? My friend Sean's piece on it for The Observer is must read, if you have.


sissyinhwd said...

check out his interview re Scientology on You Tube - it's a slog at two hours but fascinating none the less.

JSW said...

that LRH was a piece of work (and seems to me from watching him very gaaaayyyyyyyy) but DM holy shit he's a very short, very scary, man. I had three main thoughts those poor lost souls are really fucking nut jobs, the IRS are pussies, AND Scientology sure made John Travolta ugly. Does this mean they're gonna start digging in my trash and harassing me?

Rob91316 said...

You made the right call, Jason, choosing "Gratuitous Jason Beghe" over "Angry Atheist Rant." (Although I TOTALLY could've gotten down with the latter.)

Jonathan said...

If you're dumb enough to fall for Scientology then you deserve to have your money stolen. It's harsh but like...come on! Aliens? Volcanoes? Xenu? What??!! I do however want a whole doc dedicated to Kidman/Cruise divorce. I feel like they barely scratched the surface on that. Also, I wonder why they didn't even mention Katie Holmes?

DetonatorPlus said...

Cruise is one of the worst examples of non-actors scumming up the scene today, and his pointless Scientology fascination only adds another minus to the masses already associated with the sexless midget jerkoff. Jason, you look grand here, but like every other male today, STOP WAXING/DE-HAIRING YOUR BODY! You're a MAN, look and feel like one. Society's perverse desire for every baby smooth, de-haired, strutting steroid-inhalers is one of the most sickening perma-fashions of modern times, and what wussy losers for ALL of them to go along with it. Jason, waxing and shaving does NOT reclaim your youth (which when you had it, you didn't do anyway) nor does it make you sexy, in fact it puts you in the opposite direction entirely. This is a look that Cruise and all those icky 'actors' in his awful image have. DON'T be a follower, act your age. Young males doing this is more than bad enough, but for older guys, Jesus, how sadder than sad.

DetonatorPlus said...

Tom Cruise is awful in every way anyway and a lousy actor who makes lousy films too, Nicole Kidman wasted 10 years off her life with that thing, so it makes sense his obsession with Scientology would be just another minus against him, but Jason, DON'T wax your chest, as typical with every male now, and not just in the entertainment industry, the nauseating and ridiculous and pointless perma-fashion to be forever de-haired to be an acceptable male in this world in this so-called modern era is one of the vilest and hugely unsexy moves yet. People diss other things that stop others being what they are naturally, why not THIS?! Men are meant to be hairy, get over it. A grown-up pre-pubescent is SO NOT sexy if you artificially getting yourself that way and most do and are. Jason, it does not make you look younger, just weird and desperate, and in your youth, as it wasn't a stupid demand from everyone that male wusses today never say no to, you never bothered anyway!

This is a look that Cruise 'naturally' loves, which suits his cardboard and risible acting to a tee. As it does all the idiots happily slithering in his slipstream, and there's too many of those. Going back to Bomb Ooze, Katie Holmes was fooled, too, then got out of it finally. But people will always be fooled by something negative, you'd think they'd have learned now but never do & virtually every woman that's ever been with Ooze had a rotten time with him, his record says it all!