Thursday, April 09, 2015

A Note of Programming

Don't ask me why I'm illustrating this post with the above gif of Matt Dillon's crotch in The Outsiders. It's inappropriate given the serious circumstances but it makes me feel better looking at it and feeling better's what I need right now, so there we go. I've got to head out of town unexpectedly, family stuff, and I'm gonna be gone until just about Tuesday. I would say "See You Next Tuesday" but I've already done the Matt Dillon's crotch thing, I'm skating on thin ice as is. Bye.


Adam said...

Wishing you all the best, Jason. And by wishing you all the best, I mean that I'm hoping you see Matt Dillon in his tighty whities ASAP.

Thomas said...

Brace yourself, I've already seen the first episode of Game of Thrones season 5 and there is some major Michiel Huisman gratuitousness happening.

Anonymous said...

blast from the bast... Matt Dillon was the first celeb crush I had when I was 13 and confirmed to me that I liked guys