Friday, March 13, 2015

I Am Link

--- Pratt Flies - Jurassic World's Twitter account has tweeted out a couple of new images from the movie, although they're covered in annoying taglines and junk - the only reason I'm linking over is because I like to think about Chris Pratt running in those sweet jungle pants of his. The trailer's already proven that those will have plenty of spectacle on their own.
--- Flash Of Silver - Naturally the studio's been releasing individual character posters for the new Avengers movie and naturally, there being twelve billion characters in the new Avengers movie, it's been taking literally forever. Today they released a pair - one for Elizabeth Olsen as The Scarlet Witch, and one for Aaron Johnson as Quicksilver. Clearly we're only linking because of Aaron Johnson and his muscles. I still think they've decided to downplay Quicksilver a ton for some reason - we've barely seen anything of him. After Evan Peters' scene in the X-Men movie was so great, I am worried that they're worried. Don't fuck up Aaron Johnson in spandex, guys! I need that! 
--- Keeping Tabs - I wrote a smidge about Tab Hunter's autobiography when I was reading it; well now they've gone and made a documentary about the book and it is going to be screening at SXSW this weekend and so Tab went and talked to THR about being a great big queer in the studio system and beyond. (I say "great big queer" with love, Tab.) So now comes the time when we turn our eyes to making the bio-pic. It really could make a crazy ass movie. Who should play Tab?
--- Outer Limits - The duo behind the horror flick Mama have just signed on to make the movie version of Stephen King's 1981 short story The Jaunt, which is about space teleportation in the future and how it can make people go a little mad sometimes. The story was included in King's collection called Skeleton Crew, which also contains the best thing King's ever written, The Mist).
--- Hot Schitts - I think there's just one episode of Schitts Creek's first season left for me to see (I've been watching the eps as they air in Canada, not here in the US; if you're watching them in the US you've still got plenty left, don't worry) and I can say with no doubts, with all my heart, oh my god I love it so much. Everybody just gets funnier and funnier and every character gets more human and loveable (and insane) as it goes along and I hope it runs for 50 years. Anyway here's a great interview with show creator and star (and adorable eyebrow owner) Dan Levy at Out Magazine. We adore him. And look we found a shirtless picture!
--- Royal Albert - I own the Criterion Collection edition of Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums but I can't remember if I've ever watched the behind-the-scenes documentary on the disc; anyway I surely didn't know it was filmed by Grey Gardens (and recently deceased) documentarian Albert Maysles, that I would've remembered. The Film Stage found the entire thing on YouTube, you can watch it over there.
--- And Finally over at BuzzFeed our pal Jarett got to chat with Cinderella's Prince Charming himself, Robb Stark... excuse me, Richard Madden... and Jarett did the right thing by bringing up the prince's extraordinarily tight pants. It's only right! Other things are talked about too, but it's the pants that make the man,a s they say. Oh and Jarett brought this clip of Richard talking about jockstraps to my attention, as well. What a great day today is!


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