Monday, March 09, 2015

Good Morning, Oscar

A happy 35th birthday to Oscar Isaac today, who'll apparently do well for himself if he stays very far away from any and all Q&As that I'll be attending - my earliest introduction to him was seeing him speak about three different movies three different times in person and he came off as insufferable at every single one of them. But now that impression's started to wear off and I actually kind of like him now thanks to good performances in A Most Violent Year (seen here) and yes also in The Two Faces of January, which isn't a great movie but has some good acting all the same. Oh and also I found out about his "surprisingly chunky bum" (best examples seen here and here and here) and weirdly things began to turn around right around the same time! That's so weird!

Oh and if seeing Oscar walk away in A Most Violent Year makes you long to also watch Alessandro Nivola walk away in tennis shorts on A Most Violent Year, click right here. I understand the need. There's a lot of prime bum in this movie.

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