... you can learn from:
LA Story (1991)
Harris: SanDeE*... your breasts feel weird.SanDeE*: Oh that's cuz they're real.
I'd totally forgotten that Sarah Jessica Parker's character spells her name "SanDeE*" in this movie - god I love LA Story. I haven't watched it in years and years though - time for a revisit! Oh and a happy 50 to SJP today. I might not be the world's biggest Sex and the City fan but she's made a ton of movies in the 90s that I loved.
Actually now that I think about it, SJP would be perfect for one of my "Three Thumbs Up" posts, where I choose three performances that I like from an actor that I don't. Saying that I "don't like" SJP might be an overstatement - I grew tired of Sex and the City's schtick quick but she was generally not my problem, and I find her presence charming despite myself. Sex and the City just swallowed ALL the air in the room, ya know? So let's step in the time machine and remember a world before Carrie Bradshaw...
Ed Wood (1994) - The voice of sanity in an insane world... an insane world that thankfully has no patience for boring ol' sanity and her cutesy-poo ringlets. But Parker's very funny constantly side-eyeing the weirder and weirder proceedings, and slowly inching her way the hell outta there.
Mars Attacks (1996) - How strange that Tim Burton brought out the best from her. I suppose her hard sharp angles attract the cartoonist in him - she's a pencil's idea of a hot chick. But I'll be dog damned if that image of her merged with a chihuahua isn't the greatest thing she's ever done.
The First Wives Club (1996) -- I contemplated a few of her roles for this third choice - I remember being okay with The Family Stone, and digging Honeymoon in Vegas way way back when, for instance. And here's a shocker of a factoid for you: I have never seen Hocus Pocus all the way through! But I love First Wives Club and First Wives Club isn't the kind of movie I'm gonna blog about unless it sneaks up on me like this, so let's say First Wives Club for number three. She's clearly having a blast making you hate her, anyway.
What's your favorite SJP performance?
as a major fan i will say "most of them" haha. but i seriously loved her in the movie called "til there was you" or something like that with dylan mcdermott i think? long since forgotten by everyone including almost me.
I really liked the show except the ending. I really like The First Wives Club but she didn't have a big part. It's been 24 years since LA Story, wow. I'm not sure if I've seen it to be honest.
Hands down, her role in "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" (1985)as the I-just-gotta-dance Janey Glenn.
Hoccus Pocus by far.
Yes, where is Hocus Pocus? Amok, Amok, Amok!"
Anyone remember the movie If Lucy Fell? A comedy about a suicide pact with a pre-teen Scarlett Johansson?
Anyway, it's awful, but that's a performance of SJP's I always remember.
I totally forgot that she was on A Year in the Life. I loved that show.
Is nobody gonna mention Flight of the Navigator and her pink hair and her affections for Twisted Sister? Am I the only one?!?! For shame!
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