Monday, March 16, 2015

Everything You Ever Need To Know About Life...

... you can learn from:

Ms. Sanchez: Let's be honest here. $20 million dollars
 is more money than these people have ever dreamed of.
Erin Brockovich: Oh see, now that pisses me off. First of all, since the demur we have more than 400 plaintiffs and... let's be honest, we all know there are more out there. They may not be the most sophisticated people but they do know how to divide and $20 million isn't *shit* when you split it between them. 
Second of all, these people don't dream about being rich. They dream about being able to watch their kids swim in a pool without worrying that they'll have to have a hysterectomy at the age of *twenty*. Like Rosa Diaz, a client of ours. Or have their spine deteriorate, like Stan Blume, *another* client of ours. So before you come back here with another lame ass offer, I want you to think real hard about what your spine is worth, Mr. Walker. Or what you might expect someone to pay you for your uterus, Ms. Sanchez. Then you take out your calculator and you multiply that number by a hundred. Anything less than that is a waste of our time.
[Ms. Sanchez picks up a glass of water]
Erin Brockovich: By the way, we had that water brought in 
specially for you folks. Came from a well in Hinkley.
Ms. Sanchez: I think this meeting is over.
Ed Masry: Damn right it is. 
At first whenever I think of this movie I always have a hard time jumping over the hurdle of the fact that Julia Roberts stole the Oscar away from Ellen Burstyn in Requiem For A Dream. Which she did. But once I do jump that hurdle I remember that I actually love Erin Brockovich, and think it's a hell of a rousing movie-star movie. Roberts is terrific in the role - just try to tell me you can't hear her voice, her every inflection, delivering every single one of those words written above. She totally owns it. Anyway the movie came out fifteen years ago tomorrow, if you can believe that. Fifteen years and I'm still having dirty dreams about Aaron Eckhart's biker!


Ross said...

I got to meet the real Erin back when I worked as a chemist, and Julia nailed it.

John said...

I knew she'd get nominated for a Oscar when I saw it. Ironically she had a worse mouth and showed more skin than she did in Pretty Woman playing a hooker. And her boyfriend in the movie...

Anonymous said...

I understand why Burstyn losing is frustrating, but if she had to lose, this is a pretty fantastic performance to lose to and I think the role is actually trickier than people give it credit for.

par3182 said...

[she stole the lovely laura linney's oscar]

john said...

You totally nailed this one. I never tire of watching that scene. said...

Watching Julia kick ass as Erin Brockovich always reminds me of Cher kicking ass as Rusty Dennis in Mask. And they both have hot boyfriends, too!

Anonymous said...

Gasp! I made it to the front page! That never happens!

And par3182, as much as I love Linney and that movie is one of my favorites of all time, I still think this was a valid win for Roberts.

Rob91316 said...

Julia was awesome in "E.B.," and no one has looked more stunning on ANY red carpet EVER as she did when winning that Best Actress Oscar. But I gotta agree with Jason on this... Ellen Burstyn was totally robbed. Thankfully, she DID win Best Actress for her role in "Requiem" at the Spirit Awards, which seems to do a better job year after year of issuing awards based on merit without getting entangled in the politics that have increasingly detracted from the credibility of the Academy Awards.

John said...

I still don't think Tommy Lee Jones deserved the Oscar for The Fugitive, I think Leo or John M should've won.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Ellen Burstyn acted the HELL out her role in Requiem for a Dream, and I was pissed that julia got that oscar. Until I actually saw Erin Boobavich I was allayed in my frustration cause, SHE did a great job herself. So...Potato, Pahtawda!