Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Tighter The Rope, The Tighter The Pants

I suppose in the circus the high-wire dudes always wear those snug jumpsuits, but something about Joseph Gordon-Levitt's pants seem downright dangerous to me. (You can say that again!) Vanity Fair's got a gallery of behind-the-scenes pictures from Robert Zemeckis' The Walk, the fictional retelling on the Oscar-winning doc Man On Wire about Phillipe Petit, the man who crossed from the top of one World Trade Center tower to the other on just a single cord, and all I could think looking at them was god, those pants are tight. But then... clearly that's all I could think. The Walk is out in October.

1 comment:

das buut said...

I can't get past the CGI JGL. Is that makeup or did they photoshop him to hell and back?