Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Santoro Christ Superstar

Aww shucks I missed the news way back in January that Rodrigo Santoro is going to play Jesus in the remake of Ben Hur, thereby rendering all of the fun blaspheming puns I could've come up with stale at this point. Just think of what a good time I could've had with "No one comes to the Father except through me." Dammit! Oh well. And JA wept. 

In related news Rodrigo's movie with Will Smith (and Will Smith's tits) and Margot Robbie called Focus is out this weekend and I mean no offense to you if you've already bought your ticket and are reading this while camped out at the theater waiting for it to start but I can't even imagine who in their right mind would pay actual money to see this movie. Every time I see the commercials for it - and I feel like I see the commercials for this movie a ton - I keep waiting for the reason to see this movie to be given; there's got to be some ace up their sleeve! A shot, a twist, an anything! And nothing comes. It looks like the kind of movie you'd forget you saw halfway before it's even over. Do better, everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you know on the I Love You Phillip Morris DVD, in the deleted scenes, Rodrigo Santoro makes out with Jim Carrey. Look for it, its pretty hot.


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