Friday, February 27, 2015

Quote of the Day

"Henry’s a sweetheart."

--- In an interview at EW when talk turns to the eventual filming of Justice League and his role as Aquaman Jason Momoa reveals the little cartoon hearts he has in his eyes upon the subject of his super man Henry Cavill. He calls Ben Affleck a "bad-ass" but Henry? He's a sweetheart. Awwwww. When y'all go read the interview make sure to play this song in the background while you do it:


sissyinhwd said...

I would add to the quote with "and he has the most beautiful fat ass!"

Anonymous said...

True Story. I was reading this post when my pandora player threw up "I just died in your arms tonight." and I thought to myself, 'Well that's apt.' and then I got to the whitesnake video at the end of the post and I got the shivers. That's some 80s synchronicity right there, that's what that is.