Thursday, February 19, 2015

Max & The Mole-Men

I can't keep track of what shots I have and what shots I haven't seen in the several trailers for Mad Max Fury Road that've been released at this point (see here and here) but if you're like me and infinity is not enough then you'll want to click over and watch this here brand new international trailer for the movie, because goosebumps on top of goosebumps on top of goosebumps. And not just because a ball-gagged Tom Hardy is seen wrestling with a muscly mole-man, and Nicholas Hoult is seen being a muscly mole-man. (But that don't hurt on either count.) 

This movie will be better than all the other movies combined, 
and I don't think I'm barfing hyperbole here in the slightest.

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