Thursday, February 12, 2015

Jake Gyllenhaal Is A Man, Like Other Men

I've had a copy of David O. Russell's Nailed - excuse me, Stephen Greene's Accidental Love - all week but I just haven't gotten a chance to watch it yet; I've been waiting six years, what's a couple extra days? It will most assuredly be viewed this weekend, no worries. Anyway since I've been behind somebody beat me to capping the Gyllenhaal shirtlessness therein, click here for it (thanks Mac) - it appears to stay contained to the caveman-ish scene we'd already seen some pictures from (click here for those), but at least now we know that James Marsden is there in his uniform too.

That helps out the fantasy some. Enriches it. Anyway if any of you have watched Accidental Love yet, lemme know what you thought. I am curious! But wait, there is other Jake news! That drug dealer movie called The Man Who made It Snow that Jake wants to make with Antoine Fuqua (we told you about it previously right here) just got picked up by The Weinsteins, so it'll presumably be Jake's next project. He just worked with Fuqua on the boxing movie Southpaw (see pictures of Jake's shredded boxer's form here and here). TMWMIS is an adaptation of a book by Max Mermelstein (that's a name and a half) about that time he turned his small cocaine business into a massive Colombian operation.


das buut said...

Watch the shirtless scene with the sound off. This movie...Jessica Biel is wooden, James Marsden is Joe from Family Guy, and Jake relived his character from Bubble Boy. There is a reason this movie was buried for 6 years, intended to never see the light of day. Personally, I think it undoes all the indy and drama credit Jake has earned in the interim. So, for the love of shirtless Jake, watch that scene with the sound off, and nothing else. NOTHING ELSE!

Anonymous said...

This babyfaced goofball was revived, as recently as in the bellhop scene of Enemy.