Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Go To Elle

I've got a list o' links I've made myself over the past couple o' weeks that's no joke about seventy-five deep; if I ever get myself around to doing an "I Am Link" post like I keep meaning to it's gonna be an hella doozy, yo. And it just keeps getting worse and worse by the day hour minute, thanks to the nonstop flow of the internet's cruel bottomless nature. Sigh is my point, people. Sigh. 

But hey let's do this thing one at a time, that'll only take us forever times five - the latest tidbit of news to tickle my fancy bits, coming via The Playlist, is that Nicolas Winding Refn's lady horror movie, which he announced for reals in November, is going to star the ever lovely ever talented Elle Fanning. The movie's called The Neon Demon, by the way. Formerly Carey Mulligan was on his wish list; I don't mind this trade-off, since I like both ladies.

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